I’m so excited you found your way to my website. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. So even if you just stumbled upon my site, it’s not by accident. There is something here for you as that is the way the universe works. As you look through, you will notice this isn’t your normal -who the hell wants to be normal anyways- website. This is MY website so it must reflect

my voice, my gifts, my story, my heart, my creativity.

All the “a website should look like this” or “use this wording” or “sell this way” or…BLAH BLAH BLAH is useless if it doesn’t resonate with my being. My website must reflect who I am and how I use my gifts to help humanity. If it doesn’t then it becomes another one of many trying to copy each other and what good is that! I don’t want to be a copy because no one, including me, benefits from that. My website breaks away from niche marketing and embraces my heart centered journey to honor all my gifts. I am here to help whether that is through 1:1 coaching, public speaking, workshops, consulting, sound healing & activation, art, modeling or ME BEING ME in the everyday world.

So who am I?

I am a divine being having a human experience which means I am an ever-changing work of art.

  • I am an entrepreneur & a philanthropist.

  • I am an artist & a creator.

  • I am a coach & a consultant.

  • I am an intuitive & a visionary.

  • I am a teacher & a student.

  • I am a friend & a lover.

  • I am one with source energy & a part of the fractal garden of humanity.

  • I am a quantum frequency activator & a shamanic healer.

    I AM ME.

And why does that matter?

Because I am here to be the fullest expression of who I am by embodying the divine feminine & divine masculine within oneness. Through my journey and my connection to source, I am here to share the message of divine love with nurturing compassion that has developed from heart centered living through many mountain & valley experiences. I am here to encourage, to activate, to help facilitate healing and to walk the journey of unfurling & remembrance along side those who are moved to work with me or buy my art.

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