Morgan Daily Jackson

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Are you living depleted?

What do you do when everything you do drains your energy? Very little fills your cup back up and you are getting so very tired.

At this stage you are likely to become depressed & hopeless.

Struggling to figure the way out.

 Feeling lost, uninspired, and clueless to what your next step should be.

Afterall, you have no clue anymore as to what truly sparks joy within your soul,

Like the kid in a Christmas Story screams


You can’t imagine a way out. Everything in you is focused on the very moment of time where everything feels like it is as permanent as a concrete slab. This is life as you know it from here to eternity.

But it actually isn’t forever.

Take a moment to really sit with yourself and commit to seeing momentary situations as opportunities.

What do I mean by that?

Every situation is an opportunity to figure out what you do like and what you don’t like.

Every situation is an opportunity to figure out what brings you joy and what doesn’t.

Every situation is an opportunity to figure out what fills your proverbial cup and what depletes it.

It is time to stop living the “cup depleting” life and start living in the “cup filling” life.

What does that potentially look like?

First and foremost, say NO to everything that drains your energy. As I write this, I am reminded I need to follow my own advice.

We fear saying no because we have bought into the lie that we need to be everything for everybody.

We fear saying no because who else is going to do it.

We fear saying no because they won’t understand.

We fear saying no because…oh hell, I bet we could come up with 100 reasons.

But you know what?

You are worth living a life that brings you overflowing joy and the only way that is going to happen is for you to value yourself and start purging those things that deplete you.

If you are stranded in a desert dying of thirst, which cup is going to give life?

You get to choose whether that cup is empty or full. YOU need your cup full.

So, love yourself enough to see those situations through a new lens. A lens that helps you not harms you.

❤ Morgan