One modality I used in my spiritual coaching practice & workshops is called QFAH which stands for

quantum frequency activation & healing

QFAH is my form of light language that has evolved within me since it activated in 2001. At that time I knew it as speaking in tongues and the delivery of this powerful gift was a profound experience. While I have spent time in organized religion I do not relate to the current religious dogma. I am very spiritual and believe that each & every human is a divine expression of love and a vital part of creation.


Light Language is a form of energetic healing that works on a cellular level through the senses using frequencies. In it’s audible form, it is composed of many different sounds that flow in a form that bypasses the logical minds need to categorize and control. The frequencies co-create magic within your DNA, your cells and your heart through activation & restoration. Your energetic body knows exactly what is needed as you relax and allow the frequencies to “speak” the divine message of love straight to your soul.


The world around you, the world within you.

Everything is a vibration and change is a natural evolution.

You are constantly being called to re-calibrate through changing circumstances. While change is often feared, change is the catalyst for growth. If the caterpillar feared the movement towards the chrysalis and stayed in caterpillar form it would never know the fullness of it’s beauty. Change is inevitable. And while that may feel scary, there is peace in the release of control. However when you sit in fear and hold on for too long to that which needs to be processed and released, you are thrown out of balance and into chaos. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Your heart, your divine guidance system, knows exactly what is needed even when your logical mind is in a full chaos spiral.

Are you holding on to emotions, people, things, jobs, thoughts, memories that you feel are keeping you in a sort of holding pattern (ie the caterpillar stage)? I get it. I’ve been there. This is one of my specialty when I hold space and weave sounds.

As I hold the energetic space of LOVE when I work with clients, I am often channeling a group collective called the Oneness of Light along with the Divine Mother.

Morgan-I expressed my thoughts on Peru and honestly your channeling was the highlight of my trip. I do believe you removed many things in the portal. Almost like a shaman does when people journey. You represented all of us as you were the speaker of our souls. It was a Jesus moment. It’s kind of difficult to find the right words. You are a light. Sometimes people say they are this and they are that. But you just simply are 🫶🏻. It was a privilege to witness.
— ~Miriam on 11/11/23 Aramu Muru, Peru portal transmission

Still not sure about QFAH/Light Language ? Take a moment to relax, pop in your headphones and listen, with no attachment to outcome, this audio message.

When Morgan blessed us with her light language sound activation, my chest and heart opened up and a tingle in my spine pulled my body erect —- golden syrupy energy was flowing through my spine from the divine! I felt so loved, so present, so grounded yet reminded I am part of the Universe. Thank you Morgan!
— Marie

My Shamanic Side

I am an intuitive old soul using many lifetime’s of wisdom & experiences to aid you in the re-calibration, activation & restoration process.

I am a sound weaver who channels the energetic frequencies that can awaken your inner healer, activate dormant DNA for this now moment and energetically assist with the movement of stuck energy to help you with the process of releasing that which no longer serves you in your body, mind and thought.

Clients who work with me feel deeply grounded, supported and loved during and after our sessions.

Dearest Morgan, I want to express my most sincere appreciation to you and your spirit guides for the recent Light Language session. I approached with an attitude of “let’s see what this offers”. The tingling began at the soles of my feet and started working its way up. When it got to the first chakra, it was “oh, my”. The energy started really moving. It continued up until it shot out of the top. I want to use the word healing, but it was more like tuning of my frequency of vibration higher with unnecessary bits of blockage being shaken off. By the end I had tears of joy. In the two days since, I’ve continued to experience positive movement of energy and my experience of life as easy with new awarenesses continuing to come. I’m even hearing the messages of Untethered Soul and Michael Singer with a slightly different tone. I try not to over-think how such things work but I did have some thoughts I want to share with you. When I get a communication in words, my mind wants to analyze them, compare them with previous words, try to interpret, just do stuff with it in general. I know that the real essence of any communication is the intention behind it, not so much the words themselves. The Light Language allows a spirit to make a communication link and share an intentional message without words my mind can screw around with as easily, so it shuts up a bit and the intention of the spirit guide gets through to spirit-me without so much mind filter. Very clearly that spirit had a message for me (I’m sure all of us) to let go of old lower vibe energy and embrace a new higher vibe that moves me closer to experiencing my God-self. Thank you for sharing your gift and for being in my life and spirit tribe. Please feel free to use my story in any way you wish.
— Much love, Yvonne

Are your ready to take your spritual journey of healing up a notch while being energetically enveloped in divine love?

Did reading that give you a HELL YES moment? Then NOW is the time to say YES to YOU. Connect with me via the form below and lets see how we might work together for your re-calibration & restoration.