All tagged self help

We are all part of a collective whole, and our experiences are all a part of the grand adventure....Everything you need is within you, designed for you by you. And NOW is the time to tap into your loving adventure guide, your heart.

Today I am reminded just how truly connected we are to each other, to the universe and to ourselves. Like when we swear we left our keys hanging up only to find them riding around in our pocket while we frantically look for them. Or when we are looking for our readers- yes, I have aged myself. We search high and lo all over the place only to realize they are on top of our fricken head. They have been there all along. UGH!!!

Our connection to Spirit/Source/The Universe is just like that. They are there every moment of every day, waiting patiently for us. They give us subtle and not so subtle signs all while waiting for us to choose to see the bigger picture. To connect the dots. To come to a deep understanding that there are no accidents.

What do you do when everything you do drains your energy? Very little fills your cup back up and you are getting so very tired.

At this stage you are likely to become depressed & hopeless.

Struggling to figure the way out.

Feeling lost, uninspired, and clueless to what your next step should be.

Afterall, you have no clue anymore as to what truly sparks joy within your soul,

Like the kid in a Christmas Story screams
