Why so serious?

Today I am reminded just how truly connected we are to each other, to the universe and to ourselves. Like when we swear we left our keys hanging up only to find them riding around in our pocket while we frantically look for them. Or when we are looking for our readers- yes, I have aged myself. We search high and lo all over the place only to realize they are on top of our fricken head. They have been there all along. UGH!!!

Our connection to Spirit/Source/The Universe is just like that. They are there every moment of every day, waiting patiently for us. They give us subtle and not so subtle signs all while waiting for us to choose to see the bigger picture. To connect the dots. To come to a deep understanding that there are no accidents.

Everything can be a window to see clearer or a doorway to new understanding. ~MDJ

Over the last 24 hours I have had several interesting connections <thank you universe> on the topic of my laugh. I’m not sure if it came to me while I was going to sleep or within a dream last night, but the topic of my laugh came up. I was pondering writing a blog or starting a podcase and I knew this had to be a short topic of conversation. Flash forward to today and not 20 minutes into my first session with my coach, she informed me my laughter is infection and laughing is part of my joy. I was like….Holy Shit…okay I am listening.

What I was originally going to write about per my dozing off or dream was that I spent many years hushing my laugh. I have a laugh that when I truly find something funny it comes out loud. I used to be embarrassed when it would happen. How messed up is that? An audible representation of joy and I was embarrassed. An audible representation of happiness and I hushed it. About 10 years ago, I finally started to let it out when it came. I didn’t try to hide it or hush it.

My kids would joke if they ever lost me somewhere all they had to do was text me a funny joke and they would know exactly where I was by my laugh. 😁

Fast forward to the last few years…5 to be exact…I haven’t done a lot of laughing. I have forgotten how powerful and infectious my laugh can be. I have forgotten that my laugh is a vital part of me. I have forgotten that I have the power to look for and find funny situations that make me laugh hard.

As I watered the gardens and pondered this topic, I distinctly heard Heath Ledger’s version of the Joker saying, “WHY SO SERIOUS?”. And it all came flooding in. He could have easily said that to me, and I guess, he really did since it came out of nowhere. The universe can be funny like that. Random but not really.

The reality is for much of my life I have been serious. Part Capricorn traits, part needing to be an adult as a child. I have worn seriousness as a sort of shield from being childlike & joy filled. I have carried the weight of being an adult since I was roughly 5 years old. Hell, it’s no wonder I’m so worn out. That was a LONG time ago. 😂

But that carrot orange kinky curly headed little girl is still there waiting to get the freedom to be a child.

To run. To play. To giggle. To laugh. To just plain BE.

And so, the next baby step of this journey is to embrace laughter…

Do you love your laugh? Do you make conscious efforts to laugh? Do you see laughter as a mood lifter? Does laughter come easy for you? I would love to hear your experience with joy & laughter.

❤ Morgan

What grand adventure?

Are you living depleted?